First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Date of Birth *
Age you will be on June 1, 2025 *
Instagram *
Facebook *
TikTok *
Please list any and all other social media pages *
Current Headshot *
Current Address *
Residences for the past 10 years *
Current Employer *
Position / Title *
Tell us how good you are as a baker/ pastry chef *
What is your specialty? *
What is your signature dessert? *
List any and all culinary or pastry schools you attended? *
Include photo of your best work (1 of 3) *
Include photo of your best work (2 of 3) *
Include photo of your best work (3 of 3) *
List any and all allergies *
Have you been convicted or charged with a crime, felony, or misdemeanor? If so please explain: *
Do you have a passport to travel abroad that expires no sooner than December 21, 2025 *
Please list expiration date on passport and Issuing Country *
Do you have any physical conditions that could either limit your ability to participate on the program or that may require an accommodation on the set? *
Are you available from 29 May, 2025 through 21 June, 2025 to film in Europe? *
List all past TV shows in which you have appeared (Please see info needed below) *
How did you hear about the casting? *
How much do you know about the Harry Potter Series and how would you rate yourself on the fan scale? *
"Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking" - Initial Casting Questionnaire
All eligibility determinations shall be made by Producer in its sole discretion and are final and binding in all respects. Producer reserves the right to add to or modify the eligibility requirements at any time. *
Please disclose any such relationships here (if none, write “none”) *
IMPORTANT NOTICE - IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING DO NOT APPLY In consideration of the potential to become a participant in the Program, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, I hereby agree as follows: I certify that the following information is true and accurate: (i) I have provided is true and accurate; and (ii) there are no reasons which would prevent me from participating on the Program. I acknowledge that if I am selected as a finalist for the Program that I will be required to sign an Agreement and Release with Producer. By submitting this application, I agree that Producer has the right to interview me in connection with my application to participate in the Program and that any such interview and that any other statements or actions by me in connection with the Program may be filmed or taped. The information contained on this application, any filmed or taped interview material and any other material submitted by me including, but not limited to, pictures, film and videotapes (collectively, the “Material”), shall be deemed to be “works-made-for-hire” under the Copyright Act and shall be the exclusive property of Producers. If the Material or any part thereof is for any reason deemed not to be a “work-made-for-hire,” then I hereby irrevocably and perpetually grant and assign to Producers all rights of any nature in and to the Material that I may possess. Producers shall have the right to use or otherwise exploit and authorize others to use or otherwise exploit the Material, or any portion thereof, in any manner and in any media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the world, in perpetuity. Without limiting the foregoing, the Material may be edited, cut, rearranged or otherwise revised or modified. I further grant Producer the right to use and license others to use my name, voice, image, likeness and biographical information in and in connection with the Program or otherwise, and in connection with advertising, programming and publicity materials for the Program (including, without limitation, in commercial tie-ins) and/or for Producer or Network. I acknowledge and agree that Producer has no obligation to use any of the rights granted by me herein, and I grant the rights granted hereunder whether or not I am ultimately selected as a participant. I acknowledge and agree that I am applying solely for the purpose of being considered by Producer to participate in the Program, and I will not receive compensation or credit for making a submission. I acknowledge that Producer may determine, in its absolute discretion, whether or not to select me to participate in the Program and that Producer has the right to remove me from further consideration as a participant or potential participant at any time for any reason. I acknowledge and agree that all decisions by Producer concerning the selection of participants is at Producer’s sole discretion and not subject to challenge or appeal. I hereby unconditionally and irrevocably release and forever discharge each of Producer, Network, all persons or entities involved in the pre-production or production of the Program and each of the foregoing entities’ respective parents, subsidiary and related entities, affiliates, successors and assigns, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees and agents, (collectively, the “Released Parties”), from any and all claims damages, liabilities, costs and expenses of any kind, resulting or arising out of or in connection with my application for the Program, participant selection determinations and/or the exercise of any rights granted by me herein (collectively, the “Released Claims”). The Released Claims shall include but are not limited to those based on negligence, personal injury, wrongful death, property damage, products liability, libel, slander, defamation, invasion of privacy, publicity or personality, infliction of emotional distress, breach of contract, breach of any statutory or other duty of care owed under applicable laws and infringement of trademark, patent or copyright.
I agree that any and all claims, disputes or controversies arising out of or in connection with my application for or participation in the Program that are not otherwise barred or released pursuant to the terms herein shall be resolved exclusively and confidentially by binding arbitration before a single, neutral arbitrator, under the auspices of JAMS using its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures, through its Los Angeles, CA. I agree that my remedies for any breach of this Agreement by Producers or others will be limited to monetary damages, if any, and in no event will I be entitled to rescind this agreement or the rights granted hereunder, or to seek or obtain injunctive or any other equitable relief. *
Today's Date *
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